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 Empowered education affects three generations. As humans who believe in and support women, we each individually and collectively contribute our part to support and improve the quality of life of women. United Women of Color serves to expand our community conversations launching a series entitled "Beyond the Rhetoric" Community Discussion, at which we discuss items that affect our day-to-day life. We provide resources about these topics to assist the general public.

Image by Christina @
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United Women of Color offers an interactive mentoring program designed to help youth build confidence and develop leadership skills to help them succeed and overcome obstacles to poverty while learning unique ways to be civically engaged.

Need help with deciding on the right career path for you? Take the free assessment below. 

Image by Christina @

Our Start Smart Interview Workshop is designed to create a pathway for the underemployed and unemployed to obtain a career with livable wages and enjoying quality benefits which will enrich the lives of the entire household. Mentors and HR personnel conduct mock interviews to help you enhance interview skills, and you'll leave with a custom "job USB Drive" preloaded with tools you can use to get you hired!




The purpose of the UWOC book club is fourfold. The first goal is to empower women and others civically to increase the number of candidates for public office. Second, we aim to educate civically for modern day times in Alabama. Third, we hope to enlighten ourselves and each other about racial equity issues as it relates to US history, economics, politics, society, and culture. Finally, we open the door to enlighten about white fragility, how to be an ally, and foster genuine BIPOC and white ally/advocate relationships. 

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